A lot of my greeting cards are love-themed, so you might be able to guess that I really enjoy Valentine’s Day. You’d be correct! I absolutely love making cards and crafts to give to my significant other. For me, it’s all about being able to show how much I care with a handmade gift. Here’s a list of my top five favorite gift ideas that I’ve made in the past.
Valentine’s Day Scratch Off card
Did you know you can make your own scratch off cards? I think this idea is super adorable, and I’d be pretty impressed if someone spent the time to make this for me. The link to the full tutorial is here.
Valentine Lightbulb
This project has a wonderful pun in it, and I really like puns. Once it’s done, it seems like the lightbulb and base would work decently as a bookend as well. Double win! The link to the full tutorial is here.
Sweetheart Charms
These little heart pillows can have whatever message you want tucked inside, so they’re good for all types of valentines– significant other, children, etc. I’m generally not good at anything involving thread or yarn, but these are simple enough that even I could figure it out. Full tutorial is available here.
Bacon Roses
I’m one of the many people who loves bacon. I know it’s become super trendy in the past few years to have everything bacon-themed, but I’m still all for it. The more bacon, the better! One thing I found after this trend was a how-to on making bacon roses. What a great idea! I don’t really like the smell of regular roses, so I think these are a definite upgrade, and they’re incredibly easy to make. You can see the full tutorial here.
Gold Dino with Hearts
This gold dinosaur is probably the silliest item here, but that also makes it super memorable. How many people can say their significant other gave them a gold dinosaur as a profession of their love? Not many. This how-to uses small wooden hearts that can be found at a craft shop, but you could easily substitute those with candy hearts or paper hearts instead. Take a look at the tutorial here.